
Udviklende Lederskab

Udviklende Lederskab (UL) or Developing Leadership, is a development process, that over the course of three months includes four days of training, individual coaching, and a leadership assessment.

The leadership assessment is a 360-degree assessment of the managers behaviour.

Udviklende Lederskab is developed and quality assured by the Institute for Leadership and Management at the Swedish Defence University (Ledarskap och Management  Försvarshögskolan”) and has been on the Swedish commercial market since 2004.

Udviklende Lederskab is based on a model with a broad scientific foundation, incorporating organisational theory, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, social psychology, and sociology. 

An Udviklende Lederskabs forløb course can be used to clarify whether the manager displays the behaviour that best promotes the endurance and profit of the company. The assessment may also reveal whether the manager possesses destructive behaviour, that may be difficult to identify before it is too late. The course provides tools and has a structure that ensures the manager can work toward the desired profile.

We have employed the Udviklende Lederskab model and the Udviklende Lederskab profile and have held courses in Udviklende Lederskab in Swedish, Danish and English since 2007 in collaboration with Ulrik Lorck fro UL3 in Göteborg.

On every national and international course, the individual manager, and the organisation have benefitted measurably.