
Industrial-Organisational psychological tests 

Dansk Erhvervspsykologi employs and offers an extensive and qualified selection of tests and profiling tools.  

We employ them regarding: 

  • Recruitment 
  • Management coaching and sparring 
  • Leadership development courses
  • Employee development courses
  • Teambuilding and development
  • Conflict management
  • Identification of stress 

 We employ and offer:  


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) is a personality test, that has helped thousands of people worldwide gain insight into, and an increased understanding of their own, and other’s behaviour.

Hogan Assessment

Hogan Assessment consists of three test profiles, that can be conducted individually or collectively.

Udviklende Lederskab

Udviklende Lederskab (UL) or Developing Leadership, is a development process, that over the course of three months includes four days of training, individual coaching, and a leadership assessment.

The Stress Profile

The Stress Profile is the only analytical tool of its kind, that reflects individual stress-related behaviour in combination with stressors.


NEO PI-R is a personality test with many potentials – Manager and employee development, recruitment, team development, etc.


DISC is a personality assessment based on William Moulton Marston’s theories from 1928, concerning human behaviour in organisations. DISC assessment displays a person’s behaviour in various contexts and is, for this reason, well-suited for recruitment as well as employee development.