Course for managers when including tripartite consultations
A ½-day course for managers concerning tripartite consultations as a link between external psychological consultations and the managerial approach to employees affected by stress and other job-related challenges
- How does the agreement with Dansk Erhvervspsykologi work?
- How are the consultations conducted, and what is typically the content of these?
- The purpose of tripartite consultations, particularly regarding employees affected by stress
- Practical considerations when conducting tripartite consultations
- Confidentiality, relations and positions when conducting tripartite consultations
- As a manager, what is expected of me, and what is my role, contribution, and responsibility during the tripartite consultation
- What happens after the tripartite consultations – follow-ups etc.
- Contact with the psychologist before and following the tripartite consultation
- The results/benefits of tripartite consultations – opportunities and challenges
- How is it handled if a personnel case occurs in parallel with the psychological consultations?