
FOCUS other challenges

Below are support topics that do not directly involve logging into FOCUS, but surrounding issues.


I click on the link to the candidate/client, but it doesn’t open


This could be because your PC is set up to use a primary address in the browser, typically your personal email (see the section “It tells me I’m not a member of this organization or company”).
A workaround could be:

  • Right-click on the candidate link in the email and copy the link address.
  • Go to the browser or incognito window where you are logged into FOCUS.
  • Paste the link into the address bar at the top.
  • The browser will now use the existing Microsoft login to open the candidate, and you should gain access.


I received an email saying my password is expiring – how do I change it?


Every 3 months, you need to create a new password for FOCUS due to data security.
Here’s how to change your password:

  1. Go to https://changepassword.as3.dk
  2. In the first field, enter your email address (example: xxxx@danskerhvervspsykologi.dk)
  3. In the second field, enter your current FOCUS password.
  4. In the third field, enter your new password.
  5. In the fourth field, enter your new password again.
  6. Finally, click the "Change password" button.

Your FOCUS password has now been changed and will be valid for the next 3 months.