Mette Nayberg
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Organisation and management, crisis management, cooperation (SAM-arbejde), coaching and supervision, and employee well-being and stress prevention have, since the start ‘90s, been the focus among the organizational psychologists, that today comprise Dansk Erhvervspsykologi A/S.
Our vision is to hold a high professional and ethical standard, every time we approach an organizational psychological task. This means that we, as organisational psychologists, never work alone.
Our mission is to pursue tasks that require a transparent, collaborative, and learning-based approach.
Values that are essential for us to fulfil our professional and ethical standards.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Head of administration
Head of IT and our Contact Centre
Chief Commercial Officer
- The Board of Directors of Dansk ERhvervspsykologi A/S consists of:
Owner and founder
MSc in Psychology 1991. Since her time as a teaching assistant at The University of Århus and her employment in research projects at the Rockwool Foundation, Mette has led her own consultancy firm. Here she has held courses, solved organisational tasks, and coached managers both domestically and internationally. Through several postings abroad, she has obtained many years of international experience.
Mette is trained in international consultancy, certified in developmental leadership from Forsvarshögskolan in Sweden, and trained as a coach from Coach2Coach.
Mette is certified to administer several organizational psychometric tests.
Mette is CEO in Dansk Erhvervspsykologi A/S.
Mette holds a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (IVØ) and has worked in the administrative field for 25 years. Through several postings abroad, she has obtained many years of international experience.
She has been the head of administration in Dansk Erhvervspsykologi since February of 2008. Mette strengthens the financial, customer-oriented, and strategic aspects of the company.
Allan was co-founder of AS3, and has been the CEO and owner since 1989. AS3 is a Nordic consulting company with 800 employees and freelance consultants. Allan is the chairman of several other companies. Allan has an education as MSc in business administration. In addition, he is educated as Transition Coach Senior Practitioner.