
Stress management

The biggest challenges associated with stress are typically

  1. acknowledging that you are affected by stress and
  2. not pressuring yourself excessively when returning to work.

Many do not wish to admit they are affected by stress. One reason may be, that they perceive it as a defeat or a sign of weakness. Another reason may be that they do not feel they can cope with the consequences of acknowledging that they are affected by stress, and must, therefore, make changes, or even have to sign off work for some time.

When resuming work, you typically feel a strong need to show both management, colleagues, and particularly yourself, that you are “back on track”. For this reason, there is risk of pressuring yourself to return to work prematurely – eventually resulting in further delays.

The precise requirements to turn around the ”stress-curve” is different. For some, it is time and space – the ability to disconnect or take time off work/be on sick leave for a shorter or longer period. For others, working conditions must be changed or potential thought and behavioural patterns contributing to the stress must be examined.

Many of our clients have agreements with us, covering psychological counselling (paid by the company) for employees if they for various reasons are not thriving at work, e.g. are affected by stress.  See more under Dansk Krisekorps - Psychological conselling

It can be very beneficial for employees to participate in one of Dansk Erhvervspsykologi’s stress management courses. 

The course focuses on:

  • Understanding stress – causes, types.
  • Symptoms of stress, and warning signs of early stress symptoms.
  • How to prevent stress – work routines, signs to be aware of, etc.
  • How to best recover from stress.
  • Your experiences with stress.
  • How to manage your job and collaboration with your manager if you are affected by stress.
  • How to best return fully to work after complete or partial sick leave.